As our loved ones age or start to face the challenges of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most difficult decisions that we may have to make is whether to hire in-home senior care. Caring for an aging or memory-impaired family member can be physically and emotionally demanding, and seeking professional assistance can provide essential relief for everyone involved.

Touching Hearts Senior Care in Mobile, Alabama, understands how difficult it is to determine when exactly is the right time to bring in in-home care services. But our team of compassionate, certified, and award-winning professionals can make this decision easier by pinpointing a few tell-tale signs that it’s time for additional help. Learn more down below and contact us to get started!

senior with caregiver
Ongoing Health and Safety Concerns

The primary consideration when assessing the need for dementia home care services or other in-home help is the health and safety of your loved one. It’s crucial to evaluate his or her current condition and any medical issues they may have. If your family member experienced frequent falls, has difficulty managing medications, or has ongoing health concerns that require regular monitoring, it may be time to seek professional senior care in Mobile.

caregiver speaking to senior
Difficulty With Daily Living Activities

Observe how well your loved one is managing their daily living activities. Are they struggling with personal hygiene, dressing, cooking, or maintaining a clean living space? Difficulties in performing these tasks may indicate an increased need for in-home care services from Touching Hearts Senior Care. But our team can promote independence while also ensuring a comfortable lifestyle for your loved one.

senior with walker with caregiver
Progressive Cognitive Decline

For family members living with Alzheimer’s or dementia, monitoring their cognitive decline plays a significant role in determining the need for in-home senior care. As these conditions progress, individuals may experience memory loss, confusion, disorientation, and personality changes. But our Alzheimer’s home care services can help provide specialized care to manage your loved one’s memory impairment effectively.

caregiver having coffee with senior citizen
Protect Emotional Well-being

One often overlooked aspect when making this choice is the emotional well-being of both the caregiving family members and the elderly loved one. Providing round-the-clock caregiving can create stress, fatigue, and emotional strain, impacting the caregiver’s health and relationship dynamics. But isolation and loneliness can negatively affect the mental health of older adults. Hiring at-home senior care in Mobile can provide respite for family members and offer companionship to keep the elderly engaged and socially connected.

Choose Touching Hearts Senior Care in Mobile, AL

Deciding when to hire in-home senior care for your elderly family member can be a challenging and emotional process. But seeking professional assistance doesn’t diminish your role as a loving family member; instead, it allows you to provide the support and love needed from a more sustainable perspective. Get started with Touching Hearts Senior Care now!

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